Examples using the Java package

In this section we will create a new Maven project, called hyperSMURF-tutorial, and using hyperSMURF together with Weka to train some tasks. Therefore we first have to set up an Maven project which will handle all libraries for us. Then we will start with a synthetic example. Afterwards we are using real genetic data for training. All files of this tutorial are available here


First we have to build a maven project and include the hyperSMURF library into the pom.xml file. Therefore we generate a new folder (hyperSMURF-tutorial) with a new pom.xml file.

mkdir hyperSMURF-tutorial
cd hyperSMURF-tutorial
touch pom.xml

Then we open the pom.xml file in an editor and put in the following lines:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

Now it we can generate Java files under the the folder src/main/java and to generate a final runnable jar-file we simply use the command mvn clean package to generate a jar fine into the target folder. Then we can run the hyperSMURF-tutorial-0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar jar in target folder by specifying our main class (here SyntheticExample from the next section):

java -cp target/hyperSMURF-tutorial-0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar de.charite.compbio.hypersmurf.SyntheticExample

If you use Eclipse for developing a useful maven command might be mvn eclipse:eclipse to generate a project that can be imported into eclipse.

Simple usage examples using synthetic data

In this section we will add a new class SyntheticExample.java under the folder src/main/java/de/charite/compbio/hypersmurf to our maven project. This class has a main function to run it and two other main functions: (1) generateSyntheticData to generate synthetic imbalanced data and (2) classify to classify instances with a classifier using k-fold cross-validation.

The outline of the Java class SyntheticExample.java looks like this:

package de.charite.compbio.hypersmurf;

public class SyntheticExample {

         * We need a seed to make consistent predictions.
        private static int SEED = 42;

        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


So the class only defines a seed to make predictions consistent. Then we use the RDG1 data generator from Weka to generate synthetic data. For example we will generate 10000 instances, each with 20 numeric attributes and set the index to the last attribute which contains class c0 and c1 by default. Then we randomize the data using our predefined seed:

RDG1 dataGenerator = new RDG1();
Instances instances = dataGenerator.generateExamples();

// set the index to last attribute
instances.setClassIndex(instances.numAttributes() - 1);

// randomize the data
Random random = new Random(SEED);

The problem is, that this data is not imbalanced. We can check this writing a short helper function.

private static int[] countClasses(Instances instances) {
        int[] counts = new int[instances.numClasses()];
        for (Instance instance : instances) {
                if (instance.classIsMissing() == false) {
                        counts[(int) instance.classValue()]++;
        return counts;

Now if we add int[] counts = countClasses(instances); to our instance generation and print it using System.out.println("Before imbalancing: " + Arrays.toString(counts)); we will see that c0 has 2599 and c1 has 7401 instances.

To imbalance the data we will write some own code. For example we want to use only 50 instances of c0. So we have to generate a new Instances object and assign all c1 class instances and only 50 c0 class instances to it.

// imbalance data
int numberOfClassOne = 50;
Instances imbalancedInstances = new Instances(instances, counts[1] + numberOfClassOne);
for (int i = 0; i < instances.numInstances(); i++) {
        if (instances.get(i).classValue() == 0.0) {
                if (numberOfClassOne != 0) {
        } else {
counts = countClasses(imbalancedInstances);
System.out.println("After imbalancing: " + Arrays.toString(counts));

The last line prints out the new imbalance. Now c0 has only 50 instances.

Now we have to set up our classifier. We will use hyperSMURF with 10 partitions, oversampling factor of 2 (200%), no undersampling and each forest should have a size on 10.

// setup the hyperSMURF classifier
HyperSMURF clsHyperSMURF = new HyperSMURF();

The next step will be the performance testing of hyperSMURF on the new generated imbalanced dataset. Therefore we will use a 5-fold cross-validation. To rerun this performance test using other classifiers we write everything into a new function classify(AbstractClassifier cls, Instances instances, int folds). The classify function will collect the predictions over all 5 folds in the Evaluation object which then can be used to print out the performance results. Here is the complete classify function:

private static void classify(AbstractClassifier cls, Instances instances, int folds) throws Exception {
        // perform cross-validation and add predictions
        Instances predictedData = null;
        Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(instances);
        for (int n = 0; n < folds; n++) {
                System.out.println("Training fold " + n + " from " + folds + "...");
                Instances train = instances.trainCV(folds, n);
                Instances test = instances.testCV(folds, n);

                // build and evaluate classifier
                Classifier clsCopy = AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(cls);
                eval.evaluateModel(clsCopy, test);

                // add predictions
                AddClassification filter = new AddClassification();
                Filter.useFilter(train, filter); // trains the classifier
                // perform predictions on test set
                Instances pred = Filter.useFilter(test, filter);
                if (predictedData == null)
                        predictedData = new Instances(pred, 0);
                for (int j = 0; j < pred.numInstances(); j++)

        // output evaluation
        System.out.println("=== Setup ===");
        System.out.println("Classifier: " + cls.getClass().getName() + " " + Utils.joinOptions(cls.getOptions()));
        System.out.println("Dataset: " + instances.relationName());
        System.out.println("Folds: " + folds);
        System.out.println("Seed: " + SEED);
        System.out.println(eval.toSummaryString("=== " + folds + "-fold Cross-validation ===", false));
        System.out.println(eval.toClassDetailsString("=== Details ==="));


Finally we can test hyperSMURF by running classify(clsHyperSMURF, imbalancedInstances, 5);. The output of the performance should be similar to the next text:

=== 5-fold Cross-validation ===
Correctly Classified Instances        7406               99.3961 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances        45                0.6039 %
Kappa statistic                          0.3809
Mean absolute error                      0.0858
Root mean squared error                  0.1278
Relative absolute error                637.5943 %
Root relative squared error            156.5741 %
Total Number of Instances             7451

=== Details ===
                 TP Rate  FP Rate  Precision  Recall   F-Measure  MCC      ROC Area  PRC Area  Class
                 0.280    0.001    0.609      0.280    0.384      0.410    0.895     0.337     c0
                 0.999    0.720    0.995      0.999    0.997      0.410    0.895     0.999     c1
Weighted Avg.    0.994    0.715    0.993      0.994    0.993      0.410    0.895     0.995

So we will get an AUROC of 0.895 and an AUPRC of 0.337 for our minority class c0. We can also use a Random Forest classifier using the same number of random trees to see the differences:

// setup a RF classifier
RandomForest clsRF = new RandomForest();

// classify RF
classify(clsRF, imbalancedInstances, 5);

Now we see that the RandomForest is only able to get an AUROC of 0.706 and an AUPRC of 0.109.

Usage examples with genetic data

HyperSMURF was designed to predict rare genomic variants, when the available examples of such variants are substantially less than background examples. This is a typical situation with genetic variants. For instance, we have only a small set of available variants known to be associated with Mendelian diseases in non-coding regions (positive examples) against the sea of background variants, i.e. a ratio of about \(1:36,000\) between positive and negative examples [Smedley2016].

Here we show how to use hyperSMURF to detect these rare features using data sets obtained from the original large set of Mendelian data [Smedley2016]. To provide usage examples that do not require more than 1 minute of computation time on a modern desktop computer, we considered data sets downsampled from the original Mendelian data. In particular we constructed Mendelian data sets with a progressive larger imbalance between Mendelian associated mutations and background genetic variants. We start with an artificially balanced data set and then we consider progressively imbalanced data sets with ratio positive:negative varying from \(1:10\), \(1:100\) and \(1:1000\). These data sets are downloadable as compressed .arff files, easily usable by Weka, from https://www.github.com/charite/hyperSMURF-tutorial/data.

The Mendelian.balanced.arff.gz file include 26 features, a column class howing the belonging class (1=positive, 0=negative) and a column fold. This is a numeric attribute with the number of the fold in which each example will be included according to the 10-fold cytogenetic band-aware CV procedure (0 to 9). In total the file contains 406 positives and 400 negatives.

Now we have to write the following code in our new Java file MendelianExample.java in folder src/main/java/de/charite/compbio/hypersmurf:

  • Loader of the Instances.
  • Cross-validation strategy that takes the the column fold into account when partitioning and removing the column fold for training.
  • Setting up our hyperSMURF classifier.

So this will be the blank MendelianExample.java class:

package de.charite.compbio.hypersmurf;

public class MendelianExample {
         * We need a seed to make consistent predictions.
         private static int SEED = 42;
         * The number of folds are predefined in the dataset
         private static int FOLDS = 10;

        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


To read the data we simply can use the ArffLoader from Weka. We will use the first argument of the command-line arguments as our input file.

// read the file from the first argument of the command line input
ArffLoader reader = new ArffLoader();
reader.setFile(new File(args[0]));
Instances instances = reader.getDataSet();

Then we have to set the class attribute. This is the last attribute of our instances. So we write instances.setClassIndex(instances.numAttributes() - 1);. Because we have a balanced dataset of the Mendelian data we do not need to do over- or undersampling. So we simply run hyperSMURF with two partitions and a forest size of ten. Over- and undersampling settings have to be set to 0.

// setup the hyperSMURF classifier
HyperSMURF clsHyperSMURF = new HyperSMURF();

Now we arrived at the special cytogenetic band-aware cross-validation. The folds are predefined as attribute fold in the instances object. So we have to select the instances on that fold but have to remove the fold attribute before training or testing a classifier. So we will write a small helper method that gives us a given fold for testing or the inverse for training. The blank method can be written like this:

We will use the filter SubsetbyExpression to get the instances with the fold and we can simply use the Instances method deteleAttributeAt(int index) to remove the fold attribute. For SubsetbyExpression filter we write a regular expression like Attribute = n or !(Attribute = n) to get the n`th fold (or all other folds). Attribute will be written by like `ATT with the index (one based) of the attribute. This we can get using int indexFold = instances.attribute("fold").index(); (zero based) and we have to increment it by one for our filter method. So the content of our getFold method can look like:

// filter on fold variable
int indexFold = instances.attribute("fold").index();
SubsetByExpression filterFold = new SubsetByExpression();
if (invert)
        filterFold.setExpression("!(ATT" + (indexFold + 1) + " = " + fold + ")");
        filterFold.setExpression("ATT" + (indexFold + 1) + " = " + fold);
Instances filtered = Filter.useFilter(instances, filterFold);

// remove fold attribute

return filtered;

Now it is time for the cross-validation this is similar to the Synthetic Example but we will use the getFold method to make the train/test partitioning.

// perform cross-validation and add predictions
Instances predictedData = null;
Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(instances);
for (int n = 0; n < FOLDS; n++) {
        System.out.println("Training fold " + (n+1) + " from " + FOLDS + "...");
        Instances train = getFold(instances, n, true);
        Instances test = getFold(instances, n, false);

        // build and evaluate classifier
        Classifier clsCopy = AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(cls);
        eval.evaluateModel(clsCopy, test);

        // add predictions
        AddClassification filter = new AddClassification();
        Filter.useFilter(train, filter); // trains the classifier
        // perform predictions on test set
        Instances pred = Filter.useFilter(test, filter);
        if (predictedData == null)
                predictedData = new Instances(pred, 0);
        for (int j = 0; j < pred.numInstances(); j++)

// output evaluation
System.out.println("=== Setup ===");
System.out.println("Classifier: " + cls.getClass().getName() + " " + Utils.joinOptions(cls.getOptions()));
System.out.println("Dataset: " + instances.relationName());
System.out.println("Folds: " + FOLDS);
System.out.println("Seed: " + SEED);
System.out.println(eval.toSummaryString("=== " + FOLDS + "-fold Cross-validation ===", false));
System.out.println(eval.toClassDetailsString("=== Details ==="));

If we run hyperSMURF with the settings above the command-line output will show an AUPRC 0.989 of and an AUROC of 0.989 of our class 1 which are the Mendelian regulatory mutations. This is the complete output:

=== 10-fold Cross-validation ===
Correctly Classified Instances         770               95.5335 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances        36                4.4665 %
Kappa statistic                          0.9107
Mean absolute error                      0.0898
Root mean squared error                  0.1925
Relative absolute error                 17.9538 %
Root relative squared error             38.4915 %
Total Number of Instances              806

=== Details ===
                 TP Rate  FP Rate  Precision  Recall   F-Measure  MCC      ROC Area  PRC Area  Class
                 0.985    0.074    0.929      0.985    0.956      0.912    0.989     0.983     0
                 0.926    0.015    0.984      0.926    0.954      0.912    0.989     0.989     1
Weighted Avg.    0.955    0.044    0.957      0.955    0.955      0.912    0.989     0.986

Then we can perform the same computation using the progressively imbalanced data sets: Mendelian.1_10.arff.gz, Mendelian.1_100.arff.gz, and Mendelian.1_1000.arff.gz. Of course every time we have to adapt the settings of hyperSMURF.

Using Mendelian.1_10.arff.gz, hyperSUMRF and the output can look like:

// setup the hyperSMURF classifier
clsHyperSMURF = new HyperSMURF();
=== 10-fold Cross-validation ===
Correctly Classified Instances        4310               97.8212 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances        96                2.1788 %
Kappa statistic                          0.8779
Mean absolute error                      0.0577
Root mean squared error                  0.1427
Relative absolute error                 34.4437 %
Root relative squared error             49.3333 %
Total Number of Instances             4406

=== Details ===
                 TP Rate  FP Rate  Precision  Recall   F-Measure  MCC      ROC Area  PRC Area  Class
                 0.981    0.044    0.995      0.981    0.988      0.880    0.990     0.999     0
                 0.956    0.020    0.833      0.956    0.890      0.880    0.990     0.950     1
Weighted Avg.    0.978    0.042    0.980      0.978    0.979      0.880    0.990     0.994

Increasing the imbalance with Mendelian.1_100.arff.gz:

// setup the hyperSMURF classifier
clsHyperSMURF = new HyperSMURF();
=== 10-fold Cross-validation ===
Correctly Classified Instances       39987               99.1348 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances       349                0.8652 %
Kappa statistic                          0.6795
Mean absolute error                      0.0249
Root mean squared error                  0.0851
Relative absolute error                124.7001 %
Root relative squared error             85.3023 %
Total Number of Instances            40336

=== Details ===
                 TP Rate  FP Rate  Precision  Recall   F-Measure  MCC      ROC Area  PRC Area  Class
                 0.992    0.071    0.999      0.992    0.996      0.705    0.991     1.000     0
                 0.929    0.008    0.541      0.929    0.684      0.705    0.991     0.900     1
Weighted Avg.    0.991    0.071    0.995      0.991    0.992      0.705    0.991     0.999

Again increasing the imbalance with Mendelian.1_1000.arff.gz:

// setup the hyperSMURF classifier
clsHyperSMURF = new HyperSMURF();
=== 10-fold Cross-validation ===
Correctly Classified Instances      392436               99.2597 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances      2927                0.7403 %
Kappa statistic                          0.2021
Mean absolute error                      0.0233
Root mean squared error                  0.0805
Relative absolute error               1135.2254 %
Root relative squared error            251.4735 %
Total Number of Instances           395363

=== Details ===
                 TP Rate  FP Rate  Precision  Recall   F-Measure  MCC      ROC Area  PRC Area  Class
                 0.993    0.079    1.000      0.993    0.996      0.323    0.989     1.000     0
                 0.921    0.007    0.114      0.921    0.204      0.323    0.989     0.773     1
Weighted Avg.    0.993    0.079    0.999      0.993    0.995      0.323    0.989     1.000

As we can see, we have a certain decrement of the performances when the imbalance increases. Indeed when we have perfectly balanced data the AUPRC is very close to 1, while by increasing the imbalance we have a progressive decrement of the AUPRC to 0.950, 0.900, till to 0.773 when we have a \(1:1000\) imbalance ratio. Nevertheless this decline in performance is relatively small compared to other machine-learning methods.

We can perform the same task using parallel computation. For instance, by using 4 cores with an Intel i7-2670QM CPU, 2.20GHz, we perform a full 10-fold cytogenic band-aware cross-validation using 406 genetic variants known to be associated with Mendelian diseases and 400000 background variants in less than 5 minutes. The best performance boost from the implementation is if we do the training of the partitioning in parallel. So we can set the number of execution slots to 4 using clsHyperSMURF.setNumExecutionSlots(4);.

Of course the training and cross-validation functions allow to set also the parameters of the Random Forest ensembles, that constitute the base learners of the hyperSMURF hyper-ensemble, such as the number of decision trees to be used for each Random Forest (setNumTrees(int num)) or the number of features to be randomly selected from the set of available input features at each step of the inductive learning of the decision tree (setNumFeatures(int num)). The full description of the hyperSMURF class can be found in the HyperSMURF Java API https://javadoc.io/doc/de.charite.compbio/hyperSMURF/.


[Smedley2016](1, 2) Smedley, Damian, et al. “A whole-genome analysis framework for effective identification of pathogenic regulatory variants in Mendelian disease.” The American Journal of Human Genetics 99.3 (2016): 595-606.