Examples using the R package

Simple usage examples using synthetic data

Here we introduce some simple usage examples using the generator of synthetic imbalanced data included in the R package. At first we load the library:


Then we construct two imbalanced data sets (training and test set) having both 20 positive and 2000 negative examples with 10 features (dimension of input data equal to 10 - see the Reference manual on CRAN for details about the synthetic data generator):

train <- imbalanced.data.generator(n.pos=20, n.neg=2000, n.features=10, n.inf.features=3, sd=0.1, seed=1);
test <- imbalanced.data.generator(n.pos=20, n.neg=2000, n.features=10, n.inf.features=3, sd=0.1, seed=2);

Then we can train and test the model with the following code:

HSmodel <- hyperSMURF.train(train$data, train$label, n.part = 10, fp = 2, ratio = 3);
res <- hyperSMURF.test(test$data, HSmodel);

Note that we used 10 partitions of the training data (parameter n.part that corresponds to the parameter n in the pseudo-code of the algorithm in Supplementary Note 1), a SMOTE oversampling equal to 2 (parameter fp corresponding to the f parameter in the pseudo-code), and undersampling ratio equal to 3 (parameter ratio corresponding to the parameter m of the modified second line of the Hy~algorithm in Supplementary Note~1). In other words the negative examples were partitioned in 10 sets of equal size (200 examples). Then a different RF was trained using: a) the available 20 positive examples, plus the “augmented” 40 synthetic positive examples obtained by SMOTE convex combination of close positive examples, and b) a set of \(3 \times 60 = 180\) negative examples randomly extracted from the partition (see Supplementary Note 1). The obtained hyperSMURF model (HSModel), that includes 10 different RF (one for each partition), is finally tested on the test set.

We can easily obtain the confusion matrix:

y <- ifelse(test$labels==1,1,0);
pred <- ifelse(res>0.5,1,0);
        pred    0       1
        0       1979    1
        1       21      19

The accuracy is 0.9891 and the F-score (more informative in this unbalanced context) is 0.6333. Note that with a RF that does not adopt unbalance-aware learning strategies on the same data we obtain significantly worse results in terms of the F-score:

RF <- randomForest(train$data, train$label);
res <- predict(RF, test$data);
y <- ifelse(test$labels==1,1,0);
pred <- ifelse(res==1,1,0);
        pred    0    1
        0       2000 16
        1       0    4

The accuracy of the RF is high (0.9930), but the F-score is $0.3333$, only about half that of hyperSMURF [1].

To perform a 5 fold CV on a given data set we need only 1 line of R code:

res <- hyperSMURF.cv(train$data, train$labels, kk = 5, n.part = 10, fp = 1, ratio = 1);

To compute the AUROC and the AUPRC  (respectively the area under the ROC curve and the area under the precision/recall curve) we can use the `precrec` package:
labels <- ifelse(train$labels==1,1,0);
sscurves <- evalmod(scores = res, labels = labels);
AUROC <-  round(m[1,"aucs"],digits);
AUPRC <-  round(m[2,"aucs"],digits);
cat ("AUROC = ", AUROC, "\n", "AUPRC = ", AUPRC, "\n");
AUROC =  0.9972
AUPRC =  0.8540

We can also apply the version of hyperSMURF that embeds a feature selection step on the training data to select the features most correlated with the labels:

res <-hyperSMURF.corr.cv.parallel(train$data, train$labels, kk = 5, n.part = 10, fp = 1, ratio = 1, mtry=3, n.feature = 6);
sscurves <- evalmod(scores = res, labels = labels);
AUROC <-  round(m[1,"aucs"],digits);
AUPRC <-  round(m[2,"aucs"],digits);
cat ("AUROC = ", AUROC, "\n", "AUPRC = ", AUPRC, "\n");
AUROC =  0.9982
AUPRC =  0.9190
[1]Note that the results may vary slightly due to the randomization in the algorithm.

Usage examples with genetic data

HyperSMURF was designed to predict rare genomic variants, when the available examples of such variants are substantially less than background examples. This is a typical situation with genetic variants. For instance, we have only a small set of available variants known to be associated with Mendelian diseases in non-coding regions (positive examples) against the sea of background variants, i.e. a ratio of about \(1:36,000\) between positive and negative examples [Smedley2016].

Here we show how to use hyperSMURF to detect these rare features using data sets obtained from the original large set of Mendelian data [Smedley2016]. To provide usage examples that do not require more than 1 minute of computation time on a modern desktop computer, we considered data sets downsampled from the original Mendelian data set described in the mendelian data section of the main manuscript (this data set includes more than 14 millions of genetic variants). In particular we constructed Mendelian data sets with a progressive larger imbalance between Mendelian associated mutations and background genetic variants. We start with an artificially balanced data set, and then we consider progressively imbalanced data sets with ratio positive:negative varying from \(1:10\), to \(1:100\) and \(1:1000\). These data sets are downloadable as compressed .rda R objects from http://homes.di.unimi.it/valentini/DATA/Mendelian.

The Mendelian_balanced.rda file include 3 objects: m.subset, that includes the input features of the balanced examples (406 positives and 400 negatives), labels.subset, i.e. the corresponding labels, and folds.subset a vector with the number of the fold in which each example will be included according to the 10-fold cytoband-aware CV procedure (see Supplementary Note~2). The following lines of code load the data and perform a 10-fold cytoband-aware CV and compute the AUROC and AUPRC:

res <- hyperSMURF.cv(m.subset, factor(labels.subset, levels=c(1,0)), kk = 10, n.part = 2, fp = 0, ratio = 1, k = 5, ntree = 10, mtry = 6,  seed = 1, fold.partition = folds.subset);

sscurves <- evalmod(scores = res, labels = labels.subset);
AUROC <-  round(m[1,"aucs"],digits);
AUPRC <-  round(m[2,"aucs"],digits);
cat ("AUROC = ", AUROC, "\n", "AUPRC = ", AUPRC, "\n");
AUROC =  0.9903
AUPRC =  0.9893

Then we can perform the same computation using the progressively imbalanced data sets:

# Imbalance 1:10. about 400 positives and 4000 negative variants

res <- hyperSMURF.cv(m.subset, factor(labels.subset, levels=c(1,0)), kk = 10, n.part = 5,
fp = 1, ratio = 1, k = 5, ntree = 10, mtry = 6,  seed = 1, fold.partition = folds.subset);

sscurves <- evalmod(scores = res, labels = labels.subset);
AUROC <-  round(m[1,"aucs"],digits);
AUPRC <-  round(m[2,"aucs"],digits);
cat ("AUROC = ", AUROC, "\n", "AUPRC = ", AUPRC, "\n");
AUROC =  0.9915
AUPRC =  0.9583

# Imbalance 1:100. about 400 positives and 40000 negative variants
res <- hyperSMURF.cv(m.subset, factor(labels.subset, levels=c(1,0)), kk = 10, n.part = 10, fp = 2, ratio = 3, k = 5, ntree = 10, mtry = 6,  seed = 1, fold.partition = folds.subset);

sscurves <- evalmod(scores = res, labels = labels.subset);
AUROC <-  round(m[1,"aucs"],digits);
AUPRC <-  round(m[2,"aucs"],digits);
cat ("AUROC = ", AUROC, "\n", "AUPRC = ", AUPRC, "\n");
AUROC =  0.9922
AUPRC =  0.9

# Imbalance 1:1000. about 400 positives and 400000 negative variants

res <- hyperSMURF.cv(m.subset, factor(labels.subset, levels=c(1,0)), kk = 10, n.part = 10,
fp = 2, ratio = 3, k = 5, ntree = 10, mtry = 6,  seed = 1, fold.partition = folds.subset);

sscurves <- evalmod(scores = res, labels = labels.subset);
AUROC <-  round(m[1,"aucs"],digits);
AUPRC <-  round(m[2,"aucs"],digits);
cat ("AUROC = ", AUROC, "\n", "AUPRC = ", AUPRC, "\n");
AUROC =  0.9901
AUPRC =  0.7737

As we can see, we have a certain decrement of the performances when the imbalance increases. Indeed when we have perfectly balanced data the AUPRC is very close to 1, while by increasing the imbalance we have a progressive decrement of the AUPRC to 0.9583, 0.9000, till to 0.7737 when we have a \(1:1000\) imbalance ratio. Nevertheless this decline in performance is relatively small compared to that of state-of-the-art imbalance-unaware learning methods (see Fig. 5 in the main manuscript).

We can perform the same task using parallel computation. For instance, by using 4 cores with an Intel i7-2670QM CPU, 2.20GHz, less than 1 minute is necessary to perform a full 10-fold cytoband-aware CV using 406 genetic variants known to be associated with Mendelian diseases and 400,000 background variants:

res <- hyperSMURF.cv.parallel(m.subset, factor(labels.subset, levels=c(1,0)), kk = 10, n.part = 10, fp = 2, ratio = 3, k = 5, ntree = 10, mtry = 6,  seed = 1, fold.partition = folds.subset, ncores=4);

Of course the training and CV functions allow to set also the parameters of the RF ensembles, that constitute the base learners of the hyperSMURF hyper-ensemble, such as the number of decision trees to be used for each RF (parameter ntree) or the number of features to be randomly selected from the set of available input features at each step of the inductive learning of the decision tree (parameter mtry). The full description of all the parameters and the output of each function is available in the PDF and HTML documentation included in the hyperSMURF R package.


[Smedley2016](1, 2) Smedley, Damian, et al. “A whole-genome analysis framework for effective identification of pathogenic regulatory variants in Mendelian disease.” The American Journal of Human Genetics 99.3 (2016): 595-606.