
Pre-built Binaries


This is the recommended way of installing for normal users.

Pre-built binaries are available from Maven Central. Download hyperSMURF-0.3 .jar from here.

Install from Source


You only need to install from source if you want to develop hyperSMURF in Java yourself.

There are two options of installing hyperSMURF. The recommended way for most users is to download a prebuilt binary and is well-described in the Quickstart section. This section describes how to build hyperSMURF from scratch.


For building hyperSMURF, you will need

  1. Java JDK 8 or higher for compiling hyperSMURF,
  2. Maven 3 for building hyperSMURF, and
  3. Git for getting the sources.

Git Checkout

In this tutorial, we will download the hyperSMURF sources and build them in ~/hyperSMURF.

~ # mkdir -p ~/hyperSMURF
~ # cd ~/hyperSMURF
hyperSMURF # git clone hyperSMURF
hyperSMURF # cd hyperSMURF

Maven Proxy Settings

If you are behind a proxy, you will get problems with Maven downloading dependencies. If you run into problems, make sure to also delete ~/.m2/repository. Then, execute the following commands to fill ~/.m2/settings.xml.

hyperSMURF # mkdir -p ~/.m2
hyperSMURF # test -f ~/.m2/settings.xml || cat >~/.m2/settings.xml <<END


You can build hyperSMURF using mvn package. This will automatically download all dependencies, build hyperSMURF, and run all tests.

hyperSMURF # mvn package

In case that you have non-compiling test, you can use the -DskipTests=true parameter for skipping them.

hyperSMURF # mvn install -DskipTests=true

Creating Eclipse Projects

Maven can be used to generate Eclipse projects that can be imported by the Eclipse IDE. This can be done calling mvn eclipse:eclipse command after calling mvn install:

hyperSMURF # mvn install
hyperSMURF # mvn eclipse:eclipse